Church Service Next Church Service Starts On April 28, 2024 at 9:45am Stream Now


To know Jesus and make Him known.


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Our Missionaries

Katherine Koop, TeachBeyond

Katherine is supporting and caring for TeachBeyond members in Kandern, Germany, and globally, through Member Care with an emphasis on prayer ministry and coaching.

Teachbeyond values its members and recognizes that before they can be catalysts for redemptive change by the power of the Holy Spirit, they must experience ongoing growth in their own faith and integrate their faith into their lives and ministry. Member Care provides pastoral, personal and spiritual support to our members so that this continual growth can happen amid the challenges of living cross culturally and/or working in multinational teams. Our main approaches are: one on one coaching, counselling and mentoring by our team of experienced missionaries.

Tyler and Ally Stein, Youth for Christ Saskatoon

Tyler began working with YFC Saskatoon Youth Unlimited on April 16, 2018. His focus at YFC is on working within the YFC Drop In program and continuing a strong partnership with the Carpenters Church Youth Group. His passion is for the evangelism of Saskatoon's innter city youth. He has distinctly felt God’s undeniable call into ministry at YFC Saskatoon. On January 10, 2022 Tyler, Ally and Zdeno welcomed Eberley Miranda Jane into the world.

 Kristin Duchak, Youth for Christ Saskatoon

Kristin saw the role that her youth leaders had in her life as a teen and desired to impact youth the way she had been impacted. Kristin has served as a volunteer youth leader with West Portal for over 15 years and has always felt passionate about young people. After many confirmation and answers to prayer she began working at Saskatoon Youth for Christ in the Fall of 2019 with the desire to share the love and hope of Jesus with more young people. Kristin runs a cooking program for teen and young moms called Stepping Stones. Through Stepping Stones Kristin aims to bring hope to young moms through support, care and community.

 Carlene & Marcus Bridger, Impact Canada

Carlene is a missionary with Impact Canada Ministries, focusing on youth ministry. In this, Carlene builds relationships with you and brings them to the youth group at her church, where they can learn about the Gospel. She is also involved in resource development at ICM. In addition, Carlene is the administrative assistant, focusing on bookkeeping, website maintenance, and managing ICM resources.

D&M, Multiply

This couple serves in Austria, as well as continuing to travel to Central Asia, seeking to encourage and disciple believers where historically the Church once flourished.

M&R, Multiply

M&R serve with the Mobilization Team in Central Canada and are involved in the mission training programs, developing new missional leaders in SOAR, ACTION, TREK, and FOCUS. They also work to support church plants in regions of Central Asia.

Ministries We Support

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