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Say hello to the Pastoral Team at West Portal Church

Meet the Pastoral Team

Say hello to the pastoral team at West Portal Church. Got questions for the team at West Portal Church? Contact us by clicking here.

Andrew Klassen - Lead Pastor

I’m Andrew Klassen and I have a confession. I’m an accidental pastor. I like to joke that I’m the stray dog that wandered into the West Portal farmyard back in the fall of 1997, got fed once and never left. Not many churches allow the 23-year-old music pastor they hired at 30% to grow up and become a teaching pastor and leader of the ministry staff—things he promised he would never do (did God know something I didn’t :) ).

I’m grateful I get to be a part of a gracious faith family, thankful I get to serve alongside such a great ministry staff team, and I’m excited to be a part of the ongoing adventure of learning what it means to love and follow Jesus in an ever-changing world and culture.

           1 Cor. 10:31 – Do everything for the honor and glory of God…

I’ve been privileged to be married to same wonderful girl (Shawna) for the past 22 years. This has much to do with her patience and forgiveness. She says it has to do with mine. What can I say? Marriage is full of disagreements. We’ve been blessed with 2 wonderful children—Sarah & Joshua who insist on growing up faster than we wish. 

When I’m not in the office you can often find me enjoying a novel in our backyard, disc-golfing, playing guitar or cheering for the Vancouver Canucks (a life-long addiction which has involved different forms of therapy).

Feel free to reach out with questions, comments or a conversation. You can always find me at

James Wittenberg - Associate Pastor

Hi! I’m James and I’m the Associate Pastor of Care at West Portal. My wife, Rosanna, and I, along with our two children, Katie and Samuel, are excited to follow Jesus together with West Portal Church. We are passionate about loving God with all our heart and mind, seeing people grow closer to Jesus, and living as a blessing to our neighbours.


When I am not in the office, I love going on outings with my family, getting breakfast with my wife, reading a good book, and having a good laugh. I also enjoy a good barbeque any time of year.                                                                                                                      

I am confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. – Philippians 1:6

If you would like to talk about life, Jesus, or grilling, drop me a line at    

Hey, what's up! I'm Britten Banerjee, and I'm the newest member of the team here at West Portal. My role at the church involves taking the message of Christ in action within our congregation and sharing it with the world outside. This means managing our social media presence, website, and YouTube channel to tell the story of how God's renewing presence is at work in our community.

When I'm not at the church, I'm also involved in on-campus ministries at the University of Saskatchewan. I'm really passionate about helping my fellow young adults find the fulfillment that a relationship with Christ brings. As for my academic interests, they range from computer science and linguistics to politics and law. I'm super excited to chat about the crossroads of law, politics, and Christianity — it's all about understanding how Christ's redemption impacts not only individual sinners but society as a whole, all for the glory of God.

Outside of all that, you'll often catch me buried in a book, catching a basketball game, competing with friends in board games, or getting creative with 3D modelling. If you ever want to dive into discussions about theology, politics, or the Lakers, feel free to reach out anytime. Don't hesitate to get in touch! Just send an email to

Terry Friesen - Youth Minister

Hey, how’s it goin’? My name is Terry and I’m the Youth Minister at West Portal. I have been involved with Youth Ministry since 1991 and became part of the West Portal staff in 1996. I love to see teens growing closer to Jesus as they continue to trust him with their lives, and really this is why I continue in Youth Ministry.

One of my hobbies is writing and playing music for the GUITAR. I love to play and sing (especially in the style of heavy metal!). A few of my other interests are Star Wars, Toronto Maple Leafs, and Cherry Coke!

I am married and have 3 awesome kids (of course a STAR WARS fan would have a TRILOGY!) Well, I hope that you have found the promise of Jesus for your own life as I have…

“I have come to give you a full and meaningful life.” John 10:10

If you have any more questions or comments, I would be happy to talk with you.

Aimee Meinema - Children's Minister

My name is Aimee Meinema, I have had the privilege of working on staff in Children’s Ministry since August 2012. It is a great joy to partner together with parents and volunteers to guide children towards a heart for God. My prayer is that all parents would know the amazing gift and great responsibility they have been entrusted with by God. That they would not only strive to grow in their own walk with God, but that they would share God’s Grand Redemptive story with their children in their day to day routines.

I am married to my wonderful husband Jeremy and together we have three great children; Isaiah, Tahlia and Khyra.

A few things I enjoy doing: decorating, gardening, baking, working on diy projects and hanging out with family and friends.

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

If you have any questions or would like to connect, email me at

Katelyn Dyck - Children's Minister Assistant

My name is Katelyn and I will be working with Aimee in the Children’s Ministry. I have always had a passion for working alongside kids and their families. I love to see kids grow in their relationship with the Lord and pray that what they learn as children will follow them through out their life.

I am married to my husband Shawn and we have three wonderful kids, Lux, Logan, and Lena. We try to get outside together as a family for hiking and camping as often as we can. I also enjoy coffee and reading.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John16:33

I look forward to getting to know all of you a little more!

If you have any questions or would like to connect, email me at